Bought cubik with different email than the one I used for the Cubik account  [Solved]

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Bought cubik with different email than the one I used for the Cubik account

Post by FIREKARNAK » 10 Nov 2018, 08:06

Hi all, my name is FIREKARNAK, im having payment issues. I bought Cubik Studio with a different email to the one of this account, and the purchase is not showing as if I bought it. Is there any way I can redo the purchase or change the account on which I bought it on..? also the email I bought Cubik with get receipt, but no confirmation/activation email. Please reply/sort this out ASAP, thanks!
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Re: Bought cubik with different email than the one I used for the Cubik account  [Solved]

Post by HanFox » 10 Nov 2018, 13:09

You can try filling this in as you have the receipt: purchase-support-f2/how-to-recover-cubi ... i-t60.html

If that doesn't work for you it can take a few days for PaymentWall to confirm payment depending on your payment method. Activation emails are only sent once payment is confirmed.
Create your own thread for purchase/activation/key issues.

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