Why is Sphax Ignoring half the Cubik Studio community [Solved]
Why is Sphax Ignoring half the Cubik Studio community
I take it back sphax is cool.
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Last edited by ItzIcy on 28 Feb 2018, 15:48, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Why is Sphax Ignoring half the Cubik Studio community [Solved]
I do not ignore the community (I never did) and I really doubt this is half of it wanting 1.8 export...
In any case, implementing 1.8 export is not "just 1 line of code"... If that was the case, that would have been implemented for a long time.
Why 1.8 has not been implemented in Cubik Studio:
1. Cubik Studio has been released when Minecraft 1.9 was available and I wanted it to support the latest version of Minecraft
2. Cubik does not support multiple Minecraft versions
3. Cubik preview system does not have multiple ways to calculate the accurate translations/rotations/scales but only one
That means the following:
1. Implementing 1.8 export would need a big refactoring in Cubik which has never been designed to support multiple versions of Minecraft (or a game in general)
2. 1.8 preview would require ton of tests to make the render in Cubik as similar as possible to the one in game = that takes huge time and that's a seriously boring job
3. Minecraft 1.8 is a very old version nowadays: Minecraft Java 1.13 is nearly released and Minecraft Bedrock has nearly as many features as Java edition. I know many servers stick to 1.8 because of their server engine (like Bukkit), because of combat system and mainly because of their user base, but what about the new features available in 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 and now 1.13?!
I do not ignore the community (I never did) and I really doubt this is half of it wanting 1.8 export...
In any case, implementing 1.8 export is not "just 1 line of code"... If that was the case, that would have been implemented for a long time.
Why 1.8 has not been implemented in Cubik Studio:
1. Cubik Studio has been released when Minecraft 1.9 was available and I wanted it to support the latest version of Minecraft
2. Cubik does not support multiple Minecraft versions
3. Cubik preview system does not have multiple ways to calculate the accurate translations/rotations/scales but only one
That means the following:
1. Implementing 1.8 export would need a big refactoring in Cubik which has never been designed to support multiple versions of Minecraft (or a game in general)
2. 1.8 preview would require ton of tests to make the render in Cubik as similar as possible to the one in game = that takes huge time and that's a seriously boring job
3. Minecraft 1.8 is a very old version nowadays: Minecraft Java 1.13 is nearly released and Minecraft Bedrock has nearly as many features as Java edition. I know many servers stick to 1.8 because of their server engine (like Bukkit), because of combat system and mainly because of their user base, but what about the new features available in 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 and now 1.13?!
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Re: Why is Sphax Ignoring half the Cubik Studio community
Well thank you that is all i wanted to hear its just simply hard and it would take a long time to figure it out i respect that and i will now shut up.

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Re: Why is Sphax Ignoring half the Cubik Studio community
But if some day you feel like adding it i would not stop you even though you wouldn't.
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Re: Why is Sphax Ignoring half the Cubik Studio community
Been 3 years I'd kill for this feature as a texture pack maker and as a hard stuck 1.8.9 player who plays lunar along with over a million players that still play hypixel on 1.8.9 If I had 1.8.9 export I could make 3D texture packs so fast as well as develop mini games and events for servers I've been streaming on twitch for about 5 months and have 13.4k and about 100 average viewers. I don't know if I could pay you to do this or not but I know for a fact that if this was added I could get over 100 people to buy cubik studio as it would be much more useful to all of the 1.8.9 community. If you see this message me on discord Prissom#0001 I have maybe 50 friends with 100k on youtube and you better bet I could send them pack overlays for bedwars that have advanced 3D models but cubik does not export to 1.8.9 and BDCraft is out dated and lags when ever I open it and crashes when I export the models.
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