cubik studio refund  [Solved]

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cubik studio refund

Post by dackoo » 18 Sep 2019, 08:18

Ah.... I think it is really good program but not to me, so I want to refund the cubik studio. Because, this program crash to my computer.
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Re: cubik studio refund  [Solved]

Post by HanFox » 18 Sep 2019, 09:50

The Terms of Sale state that once you've activated your account (i.e. the download is made available to you) no refunds will be given, unless you can prove the software is itself faulty.

The "System Requirements" to run the software are clearly displayed before you purchase the software, too, so you had fair warning if it wouldn't run on your computer. Thus if your computer fails to meet these requirements that would not constitute faulty software, that would be negligence on your part.

As no one else has ever just plainly stated the software crashes for no reason, in order to try and figure out the issue, please provide some information:
  • What are you doing when it crashes?
  • Do you get any errors?
  • What are your computer specifications?
Create your own thread for purchase/activation/key issues.

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