cubik Pro key will not be accepted and error message  [Solved]

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cubik Pro key will not be accepted and error message

Post by Mattix » 08 May 2019, 16:57

Hello funny is with me, if I enter my key as well as e-mail dan dan a mistake, although I can use the Internet. You can still work with disabled "export" features. Do you want to continue offline? Image
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Re: cubik Pro key will not be accepted and error message

Post by Mattix » 08 May 2019, 16:57

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cubik Pro key will not be accepted and error message

Post by Mattix » 16 May 2019, 16:46

Hello I wanted to send you my error no idea why but somehow my antivirus mcafee also says the cubik studio has an infected file and who I have disabled it later just happens that this error message is coming see attachment photo screenshot


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Re: cubik Pro key will not be accepted and error message  [Solved]

Post by HanFox » 17 May 2019, 10:28

We're unsure why some people have issues getting Cubik Pro to verify its details.

It uses the same verification as Studio so it makes little sense as to why it doesn't work for some people.

Please note that besides the download it states that the software is no longer actively supported. So no updates or fixes are forthcoming.
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Re: cubik Pro key will not be accepted and error message

Post by HanFox » 17 May 2019, 10:28

We're unsure why some people have issues getting Cubik Pro to verify its details.

It uses the same verification as Studio so it makes little sense as to why it doesn't work for some people.

Please note that besides the download it states that the software is no longer actively supported. So no updates or fixes are forthcoming.
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can you also use Cubik Studio for 1.8?

Post by Mattix » 18 May 2019, 11:21

So my question would be if you stop at Studio because Pro is no longer supported and wanted to ask how I can still use something for the 1.8 because I still need to make weapons moddels for a texture pack and wanted to ask who yes how can I save it from
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Re: can you also use Cubik Studio for 1.8?

Post by HanFox » 18 May 2019, 12:14

Cubik Studio will still work to make models for MC1.8, but the display settings won't work (such as firstperson and thirdperson views as later versions of Minecraft split them up for both hands).
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Re: cubik Pro key will not be accepted and error message

Post by Brockstar » 22 May 2019, 15:07

I have this issue as well on my PC. I tried launching Cubik Pro on my laptop and it worked. Copying over the files will get it to launch, but the same error message pops up after a few seconds, and the program closes. I have no idea what the issue is, and it's a shame that we will most likely not get a fix for it. :/
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