A few elements questions before purchasing around cuboids

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A few elements questions before purchasing around cuboids

Post by Toothpick » 21 Dec 2018, 22:39

I'd like to make some models that look like voxels, but where sections are rotated at angles less than 90 degrees. It looks like elements/cuboids are what I want, but almost all the cub1k videos I can find are of voxels being exported to minecraft rather than about elements, so I can't be sure.

1) Can you please confirm whether cuboids or elements would do what I want?
2) If so, can you please let me know what the minimum angle each element can be rotated is please?
3) What's the maximum size of models I can make in cub1k? eg. Could I make a 2048x2048x2048 voxel model?
4) Does Cub1k have a renderer or would I have to export the models to Unity (via OBJ) to take a screenshot of them with shadows/lighting?
5) Can any model (voxel/cuboid/element) be exported to OBJ format?

Sorry for the heap of questions - I've looked and can't find an answer anywhere.
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Re: A few elements questions before purchasing around cuboids

Post by Sphax » 22 Dec 2018, 10:22

Hi thanks for your interest.

1) Elements in Cubik are Cuboids. Each cuboid can be moved, scaled and rotated freely (it’s locked at 22.5 ° by default but can be unlocked inodel properties)

2) I think minimum angle is 1 ° but I can’t remember if less is authorized.

3) If you are talking about real voxel model, I think the maximum is 256x résolution meaning 768x768x768 is the maximum of voxels

4) The Cubik renderer is very evolved yet. You can export PNGs but it all depends on what you need and want to do. Cubik is great to export isometric pictures of your model and 3D previews.

5) Models in Cubik can be a mix of all technologies meaning that a model can be a mix of cuboids, voxels, primitives and meshes. Cubik has a OBJ exporter
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Re: A few elements questions before purchasing around cuboids

Post by Toothpick » 22 Dec 2018, 22:17

Thanks for the replies!
So what's the size limit with models made with cuboids? Could I, for example, model a whole house? Or a few houses as part of the one model?
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