Multiple e-mail adresses, multiple usernames, can't remember which one i used...  [Solved]

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Multiple e-mail adresses, multiple usernames, can't remember which one i used...

Post by SpaceC0re » 01 May 2017, 20:47

Hello !

Back in Feb-April 2016 i guess, i bought a Cubik Pro key, but i didn't activated it i remember, because i had a bug and i believe the key was not valid or something like that. On the moment i didn't make a post on the forum because i was doing a lot of things at the same time and i totally forgot.

The thing is, during 2015-2017, i used multiple usernames and multiple e-mail adresses, and i used different passwords too, for example, from August 2016 to December 2016, i used "lolol" as a password for my accounts (just an example) and from December 2016 to now, i use "lololxdd" if you see what i mean, so i don't remember which password i used for my Cubik account.

So yeah, who could i PM to get help ? I don't like to share my mails and usernames on forums like this even if i don't use them anymore :p

PS : Sorry for any english mistakes, i'm french :p
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Re: Multiple e-mail adresses, multiple usernames, can't remember which one i used...  [Solved]

Post by Sphax » 08 May 2017, 16:17

Please send me your paypal primary email address you used to purchase Cubik Pro by PM as well as your first and last name and approximate date of purchase.
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