- how to use the tint-index feature

- how to make a face invisible

- how to apply a culling effect

- how all the buttons in the UV-mapping interface work

- give examples of how these features can be used to improve workflow (make you work faster)
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Extra Information and Tips suggested by Moderator Sphax:
"Tint index 0 is used by grass and so Cubik Studio mimic that behavior by applying green tint to faces with the tint index.
Other indexes (1-X) are generally used by potions, spawn eggs, etc and so Cubik Studio applies a different color to each tint index but the color does not have any true meaning except allowing you to preview the result ingame.
But ingame, the tint index will obviously have its own color depending on item/block type and tint index.

Please note: be sure to enable the tint emulation in Preferences in case the feature doesn't work on your Cubik Studio."