How to recover Cubik Studio serial if missing activation email

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How to recover Cubik Studio serial if missing activation email

Post by Sphax » 02 Nov 2016, 21:59

If you purchased Cubik Studio but never received the email to activate the product:
  1. Don't worry and complete the recover purchase form
  2. Put in the 1st field the email address you used to buy Cubik Studio
  3. Put in the 2nd field the transaction ID from the PaymentWall receipt (similar to w000000000)
  4. Click on the "Recover" button and you will get the link to activate the product!
  5. Click on the link to activate the product
    > If already logged in, jump to step 10
  6. Try to login
    > If login works jump to step 9
    > If that doesn't work, create a new account
    > If creating a new account is impossible because the email is already used, use the lost password form and jump to step 9
  7. When your account is created, activate it with the email you received
  8. When your account is activated, login
  9. Now activate your Serial
  10. Click on the "Download" button of your choice (Windows, MacOSX or Linux)
After download you'll have a ZIP containing CubikUpdater.

Be sure to unzip CubikUpdater in a folder which does not require Admin privileges.
Choose a folder like one on desktop and then launch CubikUpdater and follow instructions.
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