For information, Cubik has been designed to be fast to use. To do so, it avoids as much as possible multiple useless clicks (such as the need of switching between move, rotate, scale tools).
In this little guide, I call "object" elements (cuboids) and meshes (primitives are meshes with default polygons and UV mapping).
Some littles things to know on how Cubik Studio works:
- Edit-mode: Cubik contains 5 default edit modes: Element
, Voxel
, Mesh
, Paint
and Preview
. Each edit mode contains one or more "Managers" to access several tools and functions useful to modify the model in a specific way.
- Voxels: Voxels can't be selected and moved around like elements or meshes (yet).
- Gizmo: A "Gizmo" is the colored lines and symbols that are displayed in a view (2D or 3D) to help understand space and position/rotation/scale.
- Managers: Cubik "Managers" are panels displayed on right of the screen (by default). They are designed to modify the 3D world. To do so they contain tools and most functions are available after clicking on the "..." buttons available on the top right corner of the manager.
- Helpers: Cubik "Helpers" are panels displayed on left of the screen (by default). They are never displayed permanently and generally contains only parameters to modify how things look (how they are rendered in preview and/or in game).
Please find here after a non exhaustive list of commands and undocumented shortcuts:
- Pan camera on 2D or 3D views: Middle click or Space (without clicking)
- Rotate camera on 3D view: Alt + Middle click or Ctrl + Space (without clicking)
- Select one object: Left click
- Resize all selected objects: Right click
- Add one object to selection: Control + Left click
- Add objects to selection with a rectangle (in 2D views): Shift + Left click
- Resize all selected objects with left click: Key [2] + Left click on colored arrow
- Rotate all selected objects with left click: Key [1] + Left click on a colored axis
- Move selected objects on one axis: Left click on a colored axis arrow (for example: green arrow is for Z, red for X and blue for Y)
- Clone selected object: Alt + Left click to move
- Fast pick color: Alt + Left or Right click with voxel or paint tool on any surface
- Focus camera on a point under mouse cursor: Key [F]
- Copy voxels inside blueprint: Ctrl + C (if no element or meshes are selected)
- Copy selected elements and/or meshes: Ctrl + C
- Paste copied content at blueprint position: Ctrl + V