My grand son for whom I bought your software yesterday did not receive any mail from your company yet.
HIs address is [email protected] mine is [email protected]
Could you please check what happened and resent it to him and maybe a copy to me.
Not received activation email [Solved]
Re: Not received activation email [Solved]
The icloud account will have received an activation email.
Whilst our emails shouldn't be being flagged as such make sure you check in the Spam folder and the Bin in case it got deleted by accident.
If you still can't find the email you can follow these steps:
purchase-support-f2/how-to-recover-cubi ... i-t60.html
Whilst our emails shouldn't be being flagged as such make sure you check in the Spam folder and the Bin in case it got deleted by accident.
If you still can't find the email you can follow these steps:
purchase-support-f2/how-to-recover-cubi ... i-t60.html
Create your own thread for purchase/activation/key issues.
Please don't Private Message admins without prior permission. Your message may be missed.
Profile pic by TsaoShin: https://www.deviantart.com/tsaoshin
Please don't Private Message admins without prior permission. Your message may be missed.
Profile pic by TsaoShin: https://www.deviantart.com/tsaoshin
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