Read first: How to post a suggestion

Post ideas to make Cubik Studio even better.

Read first: How to post a suggestion

Post by Sphax » 12 Nov 2016, 09:13

We seen (and were expecting) that several users wanted to suggest their own ideas and improvements.

This forum is yours, feel free to suggest any feature you would like to be implemented in Cubik Studio in a future update.

2 rules:
  1. Post only one feature per post
  2. Use one of the following templates to organize your feature suggestion*:
    Tool suggestion
    Function suggestion
    Option suggestion
*A suggestion which does not follow a template might be removed without warranty!
If you do not find a template for your suggestion, please post in "Help centre"

Vote for the suggestions you want the most
Vote for the suggestions you would like to see implemented by clicking on the "heart" on the bottom right corner of post ;)
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Tool suggestion

Post by Sphax » 12 Nov 2016, 11:04

Tool suggestion:

Code: Select all

[b]Tool type:[/b] Paint :paint: / Voxel :voxel:
[b]Tool name:[/b] Short name
[b]Tool icon:[/b] description of the icon would look

[b]Tool short description:[/b]
something short which could be is displayed in the tooltip

[b]Tool action on Left click:[/b]
what the tool would do when user click with left button.
If it's a Paint tool, do not forget to explain how it would work when used on voxels

[b]Tool action on Right click:[/b]
what the tool would do when user click with right button.
If it's a Paint tool, do not forget to explain how it would work when used on voxels
> Example (useless idea but presented by following the template):

Tool type: Voxel :voxel:
Tool name: Love tool
Tool icon: A beautiful heart

Tool short description:
Creates or destroy voxels with the shape of a heart

Tool action on Left click:
Creates a heart on clicked surface

Tool action on Right click:
Dig a hole in the shape of a heart
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Function suggestion

Post by Sphax » 12 Nov 2016, 11:05

Function suggestion:

Code: Select all

[b]Edit mode:[/b] Element :element: / Voxel :voxel: / Mesh :mesh: / Paint :paint: / Preview :preview:
[b]Location:[/b] Name of the panel in which the function will be accessible (after clicking on "...") or name of main menu
[b]Function name:[/b] Short name
[b]Function icon:[/b] description of how the icon would look

[b]Function action details:[/b]
what the function would do when user select it
> Example (useless idea following template):

Edit mode: Voxel :voxel:
Location: Voxel
Function name: Holes
Function icon: TNT

Function action details:
Creates random holes in the voxel volume. Number of holes could be setup via a popup displayed before action.
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Option suggestion

Post by Sphax » 17 Nov 2016, 13:15

Option suggestion:

Code: Select all

[b]Location:[/b] Name of the menu or dialog in which the option should be accessible
[b]Option name:[/b] Short name
[b]Option type:[/b] Checkbox (on/off) / Radio-box (multiple choice) / Button (one time action)

[b]Option action when enabled/disabled/clicked:[/b]
what the option  would do when user select it and when the option would be took in account
> Example:

Location: Model properties dialog in "General" tab
Option name: Prevent bleeding UV
Option type: Checkbox

Option action when enabled/disabled/clicked:
enabled: when model is exported, the UVs would be shrinked down to avoid bleeding texture in-game
disabled: would not modify model export
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Import/Exporter suggestion

Post by Sphax » 19 Nov 2016, 10:28

Importer/Exporter suggestion:

Code: Select all

[b]Extension:[/b] extension like ".cubik"
[b]Format name:[/b] Short name
[b]Used by:[/b] Name of at least one software/game using that format

[b]Specs:[/b] At least one link to format specifications (= technical description of the format)

[b]Format description:[/b]
A short description of the format
> Example:

Extension: .json
Format name: Minecraft 3D Model JSON format
Used by: Minecraft


Format description:
Format used by Minecraft for 3D models of blocks (3D models in world, 1m wide cubes) and items (3D models in hand, head, floor, wall)
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