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by KickDesigns
01 Feb 2019, 21:13
Forum: Purchase Support
Topic: Activation link (key) doesn't work [Solved]
Replies: 2
Views: 2820

Re: Activation link (key) doesn't work [Solved]

HanFox wrote: 01 Feb 2019, 21:02 The issue has been resolved, but your activation token will have changed.

Please use the guide here to activate your product: purchase-support-f2/how-to-recover-cubi ... i-t60.html
Thank you very much! It works now. :)
by KickDesigns
01 Feb 2019, 17:10
Forum: Purchase Support
Topic: Activation link (key) doesn't work [Solved]
Replies: 2
Views: 2820

Activation link (key) doesn't work [Solved]

I just bought Cubik Studio 5 minutes ago. I clicked on the link in the email and got the message "This key has either already been activated or is erroneous.". Here is the bill number to proof that I paid 19,90€: w178021607
I already tried to use your recovery method but it also gave me an error ...

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