Search found 2 matches

11 Nov 2018, 09:21
Forum: Help Centre
Topic: Cubik crashing when scaling obj’s or pngs
Replies: 0
Views: 2308

Cubik crashing when scaling obj’s or pngs

Hi all, im having issues with Cubik, everytime I want to scale a png or obj, cubik does not show it moving or cubik crashes, is there a way to fix this..?
10 Nov 2018, 08:06
Forum: Purchase Support
Topic: Bought cubik with different email than the one I used for the Cubik account [Solved]
Replies: 1
Views: 2561

Bought cubik with different email than the one I used for the Cubik account [Solved]

Hi all, my name is FIREKARNAK, im having payment issues. I bought Cubik Studio with a different email to the one of this account, and the purchase is not showing as if I bought it. Is there any way I can redo the purchase or change the account on which I bought it on..? also the email I bought Cubik ...

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