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by PhantomSmithy
22 Oct 2018, 16:06
Forum: Help Centre
Topic: Unable to save - Mac
Replies: 1
Views: 1915

Unable to save - Mac

I'm having an issue where I cannot save or export anything I'm working on in Cubik Studio on macOS High Sierra.

If I click on Save, Save As or Export nothing happens. I have checked and unchecked the "Use Native File Browser if Possible" option to no avail.

Also, I noticed that anything changed in ...
by PhantomSmithy
04 Aug 2018, 16:15
Forum: Purchase Support
Topic: Have receipt but no email? [Solved]
Replies: 2
Views: 3659

Re: Have receipt but no email? [Solved]

I did use PayPal and after hitting submit I was like "I could have just used my card..." guess I wait then.

by PhantomSmithy
04 Aug 2018, 04:27
Forum: Purchase Support
Topic: Have receipt but no email? [Solved]
Replies: 2
Views: 3659

Have receipt but no email? [Solved]

I have a receipt, transaction ID etc but haven't received an email... but, when I put in my email and the transaction ID into the key recovery area it says that no order matching those credentials is in the system.

How long does it usually take before the system sees a new order?

Thank you!

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