Search found 2 matches

by Legenes
11 Jul 2018, 13:07
Forum: Purchase Support
Topic: Can't install Cubik Studio [Solved]
Replies: 1
Views: 2262

Re: Can't install Cubik Studio [Solved]

Sorry, It was my antivirus, while I DISABLED IT!
by Legenes
11 Jul 2018, 13:03
Forum: Purchase Support
Topic: Can't install Cubik Studio [Solved]
Replies: 1
Views: 2262

Can't install Cubik Studio [Solved]

I purchased the Cubik Studio today, and I wanted to install it, but when the updater tries to install, it just stops at "Access to the path "...\UnityEngine.dll.mdb" is denied.", and the worst, that it has access to it. I tried in several different directories, without antivirus, as administrator ...

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