Search found 7 matches
- 15 Apr 2018, 13:12
- Forum: Purchase Support
- Topic: Key Reseting [Solved]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1653
Re: Key Reseting [Solved]
, also that was very quick. Another reason why I love cubik so much!

- 15 Apr 2018, 13:08
- Forum: Purchase Support
- Topic: Key Reseting [Solved]
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1653
Key Reseting [Solved]
I'd like to have my key reset .I stopped using it on one of my computers and I need to switch to the one I'm currently using and it says "This license is used by too many users".
- 26 Jun 2017, 13:52
- Forum: Help Centre
- Topic: A BIG Problem For A SMALL Parrot (HowDoIUseOptifineJPM with Resourcepacks)
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1555
Re: A BIG Problem For A SMALL Parrot (HowDoIUseOptifineJPM with Resourcepacks)
But I looked at the optifine JPM document and i learned about the "bones" of everyting but how do i actually succesfuly use the JPM i youtubed this and i found no results for my question in english..
- 25 Jun 2017, 19:56
- Forum: Help Centre
- Topic: A BIG Problem For A SMALL Parrot (HowDoIUseOptifineJPM with Resourcepacks)
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1555
A BIG Problem For A SMALL Parrot (HowDoIUseOptifineJPM with Resourcepacks)
So like the title says i made a cool looking robotic parrot but theres one problem i found out where to put the texture but i didnt find a place to put the .java file at. Anybody know where it goes? The First Picture Is What The Model Looks Like. The Second Picture Is The Texture Inside Minecraft ...
- 29 Apr 2017, 14:23
- Forum: Help Centre
- Topic: 3d Mobs/Entities?! [Please Help] [Solved]
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6050
Re: 3d Mobs/Entities?! [Please Help] [Solved]
You can but you need optifine, although I made many mobs using item durability, a plugin, and animation. The problem with this is with the plugin, it is possible with MythicMobs but it is very hard to configure.
I know durabilities but how did you do custom mobs(with a resource pack).. and ...
- 20 Apr 2017, 13:28
- Forum: Help Centre
- Topic: 3d Mobs/Entities?! [Please Help] [Solved]
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6050
Re: 3d Mobs/Entities?! [Please Help] [Solved]
You can but you need optifine, although I made many mobs using item durability, a plugin, and animation. The problem with this is with the plugin, it is possible with MythicMobs but it is very hard to configure.
I know durabilities but how did you do custom mobs(with a resource pack).. and what ...
- 19 Apr 2017, 20:29
- Forum: Help Centre
- Topic: 3d Mobs/Entities?! [Please Help] [Solved]
- Replies: 5
- Views: 6050
3d Mobs/Entities?! [Please Help] [Solved]
So Recently I saw a video by "FizzyChicken" or two actually which showcase changing entities into a different look (with a resourcepack). I saw in Cubik a "jpm" if thats the right thing where do I put the file in? (Also I know thats its optifine)..