Making Models for entity

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Making Models for entity

Post by Lightarow » 09 Jul 2017, 21:38

Hi, I bought today Cubik for only one goal, to save my city. :D :D :D
No, more seriously, I bought the drivver today because I saw an option for exporting java class. So, i expected a real tool for creating entities like mobs, 3D armors, weapons, ect... but I have nothing of that. I was looking for a demo of the software and I dind't found anything to test it before...
So I would like to know, if there is an option to making this or if Sphax would be good enought to payback my software, I used it like 3 minutes... Not very worse. I readed Terms of Sale a little to late so kind of my faut but I would be gratefull if I can take back some money, I really need it >.>

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Re: Making Models for entity

Post by fizzy_chickens » 10 Jul 2017, 11:12

My exp on how to make that kind of stuff. Its a long ass video
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