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Function: Change all faces

Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 05:43
by Cookiesnom
Edit mode: Element :element:
Location: element list
Function name: change all

I use cubik to animate my models and you have to go through a whole process to change the textures of one element.

For example, to change all the textures on an element it takes about 8 steps
But if you add a simple button e.g.
Then it would only take 3 steps

This wouldn't not only be helpful for me but would help in general for others that need to change all the faces of one object over and over.

Thank you for reading :)

Re: Function suggestion:Change all faces  [Solved]

Posted: 14 Nov 2016, 10:03
by Sphax
Right click on a texture in Elements Material and select apply to selection

= it already exist ;)

Re: Function: Change all faces

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 00:07
by Cookiesnom
ohhhhhhhhh, thanks :)