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Trying to Re-download cubik from a cleaned email and no receipt

Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 19:11
by nightkiller
Hello, i have bought this software a while back (maybe a year or something ago) and i cannot re-download cubik since i do not have the payment receipt or the original email with the activation key because also a while back, i cleaned my email. so i am unable to even complete the recovery form

Re: Trying to Re-download cubik from a cleaned email and no receipt  [Solved]

Posted: 13 Nov 2018, 11:00
by HanFox
If you bought Cubik before Studio was released this method should still let you recover all your details: purchase-support-f2/how-to-upgrade-from ... o-t14.html

If that doesn't work you will need to send me some information via a Private Message:
  • Your real name (or the name of the person who bought Cubik)
  • Any email addresses that may be connected to the account
  • Your receipt (or a reasonable estimate of the date of purchase)
  • Your Cubik serial (if known)