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It was banned and requested to recover!!!
Posted: 01 Jun 2018, 08:57
by jiri
Re: It was banned and requested to recover!!! [Solved]
Posted: 01 Jun 2018, 09:55
by HanFox
By using up your activations in less than a month it would suggest you're sharing your key with other people.
Remember, as per the
Terms of Use you agreed to , you're not allowed to do so.
On this occasion I have reset your key uses.
Re: It was banned and requested to recover!!!
Posted: 01 Jun 2018, 15:39
by jiri
Thank you for your reply. Do you have a team version of cubik studio? Because we are a team in production, but most of the members are students and lack of funds. If there's a shared version, it's perfect.
Re: It was banned and requested to recover!!!
Posted: 01 Jun 2018, 16:44
by HanFox
There's no team version. You need to buy keys for each user.