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Restoring Purchase

Posted: 08 May 2018, 22:28
by MannyMannequin
I remembered that I have cubik, but two computers later I definitely don't have it installed. I can log into the bdcraft site (where I initially bought and downloaded it), but I couldn't log into the new cubik site (which is where it wants me to download it now). I found my ancient email that has my purchase id or whatever, and the custom download link thing, but that just links back to the new site.

So I went ahead and made this new account, what do I need to do to get the download?
Old bdcraft account username: MannyMannequin (same as the one i just made)

I initially sent this message to [email protected] but im preeeetty sure it no longer exists lol.

I have the "BDcraft Cubik PRO Serial" still if that helps.

Re: Restoring Purchase  [Solved]

Posted: 08 May 2018, 22:51
by HanFox

Re: Restoring Purchase

Posted: 08 May 2018, 23:13
by MannyMannequin
Thank you.