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Pen tool acting like Bucket

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 01:14
by HappyGrenades
I have a blank atlas, but for some reason the Pen tool is filling in the entire elemet instead of a single voxel.

The model is in a cubik file and i hadn't messed with textures on it yet so it should be default settings

Re: Pen tool acting like Bucket

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 08:47
by Sphax
Share your .cubik model so I can help you

The pen tool can't behave as the bucket tool. If one pixel of the pen tool looks like to fill the entire elements, that might be due to UV, element or texture which is too small

Re: Pen tool acting like Bucket

Posted: 26 Jun 2017, 23:48
by HappyGrenades
It definitely looks like a UV issue, but I can't figure out how to get the UV to be a proper size, I always assumed it would automatically do that when creating a new blank atlas

Re: Pen tool acting like Bucket

Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 11:26
by HappyGrenades
Sphax wrote: 26 Jun 2017, 08:47 Share your .cubik model so I can help you

The pen tool can't behave as the bucket tool. If one pixel of the pen tool looks like to fill the entire elements, that might be due to UV, element or texture which is too small
I still haven't solved the issue on my own, have you had any luck?

Re: Pen tool acting like Bucket  [Solved]

Posted: 03 Jul 2017, 10:08
by Sphax
Your model looks like to be a conversion from voxels with only one color (white) to elements with the palette method. The result a several elements mapped with exactly same pixel color from a texture palette with only 1 color.
Nothing is wrong there.

If you draw a pixel on that model, the clicked pixel will change the color of the palette, resulting in recoloring the whole modeL

If you want to have unique UV for all elements, you can ask Cubik to generate a blank texture atlas but knowing your model is composed of tiny elements, each UV will be tiny in resulting blank atlas.

The best to paint on your model is to do that while it is still composed of voxels.

Again, nothing wrong there, just some use cases to understand and master.

Re: Pen tool acting like Bucket

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 00:06
by HappyGrenades
Sphax wrote: 03 Jul 2017, 10:08 Your model looks like to be a conversion from voxels with only one color (white) to elements with the palette method. The result a several elements mapped with exactly same pixel color from a texture palette with only 1 color.
Nothing is wrong there.

If you draw a pixel on that model, the clicked pixel will change the color of the palette, resulting in recoloring the whole modeL

If you want to have unique UV for all elements, you can ask Cubik to generate a blank texture atlas but knowing your model is composed of tiny elements, each UV will be tiny in resulting blank atlas.

The best to paint on your model is to do that while it is still composed of voxels.

Again, nothing wrong there, just some use cases to understand and master.
First - I created a new thread because as said this is time sensitive and while I totally get you are a 1 man show here, I still was in need of help, and this thread hadn't be responded to in a while so I was worried it had been missed or something. My apologies for that

As for what you're saying, I don't follow. I convert my models from Voxel using the Atlas method every time and never ran into this issue before.

I really don't get what I did wrong, maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you're saying but it's not really clear how I somehow did something differently.
Sphax wrote: 03 Jul 2017, 10:08 The best to paint on your model is to do that while it is still composed of voxels.
Is there any plan to add an ability to convert a model from Elements to Voxels?

Re: Pen tool acting like Bucket

Posted: 05 Jul 2017, 19:24
by Sphax
You can't technically convert elements to voxels, it would lose some details or do not respect 1:1 details.

Your model has been converted from voxels to elements by using a palette, not an atlas. That's why all element faces have UV pointing to exact same pixel in palette. ;)

Re: Pen tool acting like Bucket

Posted: 06 Jul 2017, 21:39
by HappyGrenades
Sphax wrote: 05 Jul 2017, 19:24 You can't technically convert elements to voxels, it would lose some details or do not respect 1:1 details.

Your model has been converted from voxels to elements by using a palette, not an atlas. That's why all element faces have UV pointing to exact same pixel in palette. ;)
Oh, I could have sworn I was doing it by atlas I must have misclicked a few times...

Hopefully that means not all of them are screwed haha