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Email link for product says "invalid password"

Posted: 12 Aug 2024, 00:43
by DamienBlack

I ordered Cubik Studio, payment went through and I got an email titled "Purchase of Cubik Studio" that has a link to follow "to access the purchase".

When I click the link, I get taken to an "Activate Product" page.

The page says "DamienBlack, please enter your password in order to confirm your account."

Putting in my current password results in a "password is incorrect" message.

I have changed my password and I have reset my password and I still have this issue.

My theory: Originally my password manager didn't save my password, so I have a lot of incorrect password attempts. On other pages it makes me click the google captcha. That page doesn't not have a captcha and I think I am getting the "password is incorrect" message when the actual problem is too many incorrect password attempts.

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Email link for product says "invalid password"  [Solved]

Posted: 12 Aug 2024, 09:05
by HanFox
If it was the too many attempts issue it's likely the timeout has been reached by now, so you can try again and see if it works.

If it still fails you will need to send me some information via a Private Message and I'll add the product to your account manually:
  • Your real name (or the name of the person who bought Cubik)
  • Any email addresses that may be connected to the account
  • Your PaymentWall receipt, or, if you don't have it, another form of proof of purchase

Re: Email link for product says "invalid password"

Posted: 12 Aug 2024, 16:09
by DamienBlack
Got it. Thank you!