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환불 요청
Posted: 19 Apr 2021, 17:35
by DiDiGi
3개를 구매 하였습니다.
2개를 환불해주세요
영수증 코드
Re: 환불 요청
Posted: 19 Apr 2021, 19:23
by HanFox
Hmm, how did you manage to purchase it 3 times? It's not something you can just do accidentally.
Re: 환불 요청
Posted: 21 Apr 2021, 02:06
by DiDiGi
3개 샀습니다..
환불해주세요. TT...
Re: 환불 요청
Posted: 22 Apr 2021, 09:13
by HanFox
I understand that, but the question is how did you buy 3?
We would like to understand how some people sometimes buy more than one copy. Is the process confusing? Or did you just go through the purchase process numerous times?
Re: 환불 요청
Posted: 23 Apr 2021, 00:50
by DiDiGi
구매 과정을 여러번 했습니다.
부탁드립니다. 환불해주세요.!
Re: 환불 요청 [Solved]
Posted: 23 Apr 2021, 08:30
by HanFox
I really don't see how anyone can just accidentally purchase something numerous times by accident... I guess it's just user "error".
I've requested your refunds.