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"Wrong Registration Details" Cubik Pro

Posted: 08 Feb 2020, 05:21
by Cookiesnom
When ever I try to open Cubik Pro (MC18) and enter my details no matter what it will give me;

I can enter the exact same details into my cubik studio and it will work fine, I understand that Cubik Pro is outdated and unsupported but I need to use it for the 1.8 positioning system since no other modeler has this feature, and its quite critical for some of the work I do.

Thanks for any support

Re: "Wrong Registration Details" Cubik Pro

Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 10:25
by HanFox
There's an update available for Cubik Pro (and Animaker) which Sphax suggests should fix authentication issues.

Just redownload the software from

Re: "Wrong Registration Details" Cubik Pro

Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 21:53
by Cookiesnom
Just downloaded it, still have the same issue. Is there some kind of temp files or cache I need to delete?

Re: "Wrong Registration Details" Cubik Pro

Posted: 23 Feb 2020, 16:13
by HanFox
There shouldn't be anything you need to delete.

I've let Sphax know there are still issues. Maybe he can take another look...

Re: "Wrong Registration Details" Cubik Pro  [Solved]

Posted: 26 Feb 2020, 14:30
by Sphax
Be sure to use latest version of Cubik Pro (1.8 or 1.9+) and enter your user email.
I tested on my side with your account details and everything worked as expected.

Re: "Wrong Registration Details" Cubik Pro

Posted: 27 Feb 2020, 05:31
by Cookiesnom
Hey, I've DM'ed you with a video of me trying to log in.

Is there some kind of flag or certificate on my computer I need to reset or delete?
I feel like that would be the only reason it wouldn't work at this point.