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Can't open Cubik Updater on Mac

Posted: 02 Feb 2020, 14:51
by MissBantor
I downloaded the Cubik Updater for Mac but i can't open it. (It says: "The application "" can't be opened") I searched for similar problems in this forum but the solutions i found didn't work at all. I tried on terminal: " chmod +x path_to_app/ " and " chmod +x " but it always says "No such file or directory"
Here is some information about my Computer:
- MacBook Air (2013)
- macOS Catalina (Version 10.15)
can someone help me?

Re: Can't open Cubik Updater on Mac  [Solved]

Posted: 02 Feb 2020, 16:22
by HanFox
Where it says "path_to_app" you need to change that to the actual location of where the file is.