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What is used by too many users?

Posted: 21 Jun 2019, 06:49
by chengzzi89
What is used by too many users?
Why do you have to restrict the use of IP addresses? I have been using it myself and have not told my account to others!☹️☹️

Re: What is used by too many users?  [Solved]

Posted: 21 Jun 2019, 10:02
by HanFox
The amount of activations isn't based on IP addresses. Considering some people get new IPs every day that'd not be very good.

It's based on the amount of computers you've activated the software on.

Please read: purchase-support-f2/requesting-cubik-se ... t1890.html

Re: What is used by too many users?

Posted: 21 Jun 2019, 11:01
by chengzzi89
HanFox wrote: 21 Jun 2019, 10:02 The amount of activations isn't based on IP addresses. Considering some people get new IPs every day that'd not be very good.

It's based on the amount of computers you've activated the software on.

Please read: purchase-support-f2/requesting-cubik-se ... t1890.html
bully! There is also a reason for my IP address being unstable!😂