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Copy of Animaker is unusable and there doesnt seem to be a fix

Posted: 05 Sep 2018, 06:03
by nomworthy
I purchased Animaker by itself about a month before the site change and I got some good use out of it during that time. After it however, I got pic related whenever I attempted to update or start it up and since that url doesnt exist anymore it just keeps looping. I posted about it in july in the other forum back in july ( ... t6522.html) and I was wondering if a fix has been developed yet. Thanks in advanced

Re: Copy of Animaker is unusable and there doesnt seem to be a fix

Posted: 08 Sep 2018, 17:37
by HanFox
Sorry for the delay.

We're looking in to this. It was never in the original scope of the website so the website isn't setup to deal with Animaker only users.

We'll have a solution in place soon.