Functions: Rename texture & Remove unused textures
Posted: 11 Nov 2016, 15:33
I think it'd be a good thing to have the ability to rename a texture in the Material Manager and not have to select all of the elements and change the name of the texture each element is using (I mostly use one texture, so it's not THAT big of a deal, just an inconvenience).
Edit mode: Element
Location: Elements Material
Function name: Rename texture
Function icon: Same as existing "Edit label" function
Function action:
Renames texture in Elements Material and rename its label on each face of each element using it
**Also, I think there should be a "Remove All Unused Textures" feature as well, so you can easily delete any textures that are currently being unused. I've seen this in almost every CAD/3D program I've had; it'd be nice to see it in this one, too!
Edit mode: Element
Location: Elements Material
Function name: Remove unused textures
Function icon: X
Function action:
Removes all unused textures (= textures listed that are not linked in any element face)
Edit mode: Element
Location: Elements Material
Function name: Rename texture
Function icon: Same as existing "Edit label" function
Function action:
Renames texture in Elements Material and rename its label on each face of each element using it
**Also, I think there should be a "Remove All Unused Textures" feature as well, so you can easily delete any textures that are currently being unused. I've seen this in almost every CAD/3D program I've had; it'd be nice to see it in this one, too!
Edit mode: Element
Location: Elements Material
Function name: Remove unused textures
Function icon: X
Function action:
Removes all unused textures (= textures listed that are not linked in any element face)