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How big can my model be?

Posted: 14 Jul 2018, 21:12
by MannyMannequin
I'm going to be making several large things such as dinosaurs and mammoths, something like this but I heard there was a limit in Minecraft. I'm doing these for a resource pack, so I'll need to know the limits before I get started. I heard somewhere It's 3 x 3 but that seems way too small, I know I've seen bigger.

How big can I get?

Re: How big can my model be?  [Solved]

Posted: 14 Jul 2018, 21:36
by HanFox
The limit is 3x3 blocks, but then you can scale them in the display settings by another 4, so that technically makes then 12x12.

Re: How big can my model be?

Posted: 14 Jul 2018, 21:41
by MannyMannequin
Just so I'm totally sure, thats 16 x 16 x 16 cube?

Re: How big can my model be?

Posted: 03 Sep 2018, 09:44
by Sphax
That's 48x48x48 cube, knowing the center cube is 16x16x16, unit being the default pixel size in Minecraft with default textures.