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Option to change keyboard Keybinds in Cubik

Posted: 29 Jun 2018, 16:55
by ido102003
Location: Preferences
Option name: Keybinds
Option type: Menu

If possible, A way for users who liked the old keybinds(the shift to arrow scale elements), I personally liked these keybinds but some probably like the new ones too, so an option for people to change it to their liking is useful in my opinion.

Re: Option to change keyboard Keybinds in Cubik  [Solved]

Posted: 29 Jun 2018, 17:48
by HanFox
Please read: tutorials-f4/how-to-setup-customizable-keys-t1496.html

You should note there's currently a bug where keybinds are "forgotten" between launches. You just need to put a space in a box and hit okay again to fix them.