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error / new serial
Posted: 22 May 2018, 11:46
by andrew
so I got cubik but it would not work on my computer ( had some error when i tried registering it. so I tried it on my brothers computer and lol it worked. so i think I need a new serial for mine to work or something else you guys can think of
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 22 May 2018, 14:00
by HanFox
As you have already proven your key works correctly by using it on your brother's computer, it would suggest there's an issue on your own computer.
First, make sure your system time is set correctly.
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 23 May 2018, 12:04
by andrew
yep figured you would say that. my time is correct it is the same as my brother's and my phone and his phone
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 23 May 2018, 12:09
by andrew
so still no good, sorry
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 23 May 2018, 13:40
by HanFox
You can try deleting the folder at:
Code: Select all
and trying again.
If that doesn't work what does this url give you: (error 400 is normal)?
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 23 May 2018, 18:46
by andrew
I've tried deleting it multiple times before still no good/ that url brings up error 400 but what does that mean
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 23 May 2018, 18:58
by andrew
it still is coming up with this error. I'm sorry for the time on this I'm really excited about this program and hope you can get it working
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 25 May 2018, 06:38
by Sphax
The error « Proxy connect aborted » means the problem comes from your computer and Updater is unable to reach Cubik Studio web service.
Are you behind a router or a vps, a proxy of any sort?
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 25 May 2018, 06:47
by Sphax
Looks like you have to set the correct Windows user environment variables for software to know how to access the web (don’t know how it works for MacOS users…).
Those variables are the following and should match this pattern:
- HTTP_proxy = <http proxy ip/url>:<http proxy port>
- HTTPS_proxy = <https proxy ip/url>:<https proxy port>
If you wonder how to add user env variables, well…
Sometimes the http_env variable is set correctly but not the https and Cubik Updater (and Cubik Studio) are using https for secure connection.
Re: error / new serial
Posted: 25 May 2018, 13:17
by andrew
ok Sphax so I am behind a router what is I used a wifi hotspot over a cell phone would that help..... as you can probably tell I'm not really a computer savy person