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license information contains one or more error

Posted: 29 Apr 2018, 14:58
my license information apparently contains one or more errors i already read that it might be due to a difference in time zones but my PC is set to UTC + 1 Berlin (im German and from east saxony so this might cause some problems aswell) while the Cubik website recommends UTC + 2 and both are correct because my pc automatically adds 1 hour for summertime

any idea what i could do?

Re: license information contains one or more error  [Solved]

Posted: 30 Apr 2018, 10:48
by HanFox
I have tested your information and it works fine (the email and key that are shown on

All we mean by having the correct time set is that it's correct for you, wherever you currently are. The forum doesn't recommend a time and the forum system is disconnected from the authentication system for the software.

If you're sure your clock is correct you can try deleting the files in

Code: Select all

and trying again.

Re: license information contains one or more error

Posted: 30 Apr 2018, 15:24
i tried both things earlier (in combination of course) i also used regedit to delete all registery files and checked if my antivirus somehow interfered, idk much about coding but why exactly does the cubik need the right time for the serial to work? maybe i did somethin absurd that caused it to not be accurate