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Reset users on my license
Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 03:41
by MasterClaus
Please reset users on my license, thanks!
Re: Reset users on my license [Solved]
Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 08:11
by HanFox
I have reset the uses on the BCS key, but not the BDC key.
You've had the BDC key reset a few times quite recently which would suggest multiple people are using it.
Remember, each key can only be used by one user.
Re: Reset users on my license
Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 09:08
by MasterClaus
One user? not two?
I have a desktop PC and a notebook and use one key for them, the another key is my friend's key.
Yesterday suddenly Cubik said my key is used by too many user though I didn't share it to anyone so I asked you to reset it.
Re: Reset users on my license
Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 18:50
by Zak_M
Hey could you please reset the users that use my account please? so i can only put it for me?
Re: Reset users on my license
Posted: 13 Dec 2018, 14:26
by Hannigan
Is there a way to sort of "legitimize" a key and reset everything so it can be used properly by just one user from that point on? Asking for a friend. haha
Re: Reset users on my license
Posted: 13 Dec 2018, 15:12
by HanFox
You should really start your own threads to ask questions instead of posting in a thread marked "Solved".
Anyway, the only way to reset keys is via this form:
purchase-support-f2/requesting-cubik-se ... t1890.html